Study Abroad/Study Away
成人头条 Miners have traveled the world participating in study abroad/study away activities in a variety of countries including:
Argentina | Germany | Peru |
Australia | Greece | Scotland |
Bhutan | Hungary | South Africa |
Colombia | Indonesia | South Korea |
Czech Republic | Italy | Spain |
England | Mexico | Switzerland |
Estonia | Morocco | United Kingdom |
France | New Zealand | United States |
Where can students learn more about study abroad/study away opportunities?
Students interested in participating in study abroad/study away experiences, may reach out to their professors, advisors, or visit the Office of International Programs and Study Abroad.
How to pay for study abroad/study away expenses?
To learn more about financial resources, visit the Office of International Programs and Study Abroad website .
Contact the Office of International Programs and Study Abroad via email at or phone at 915-747-5664. You may also visit our office located at Union East, Room 203.