Engineering Students Named NACME Scholars
November 17, 2008

The College of Engineering is proud to announce that 14 成人头条 engineering students have been named 2008 National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering (NACME) Scholars.
More than 200 graduating students from across the country were chosen. Recipients must have demonstrated academic excellence by achieving and maintaining an average grade point 3.3 on a 4.0 scale.
成人头条 NACME Scholars include Crystal Arellano, Engineering; Karla Benitez, Civil Engineering; Ariana Guerrero, Mechanical Engineering; Juan Guzman, Electrical Engineering; Francisco Jayme, Electrical Engineering; Jorge Martinez, Civil Engineering; Liliana Montano, Electrical Engineering; Christina Pina, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering; Diana Ramirez, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering; Karla Rovirosa, Industrial, Manufacturing & Systems Engineering/Operations Research; Daniel Sosa, Electrical Engineering; Vladimir Soto, Computer Science; Reuben Urias, Electrical Engineering; Sara Villatoro-Muela, Mechanical Engineering.
Scholarship support for NACME scholars is provided by corporate and individual contributions as well as contributions from foundations. NACME strives to provide leadership and support for the national effort to increase representation of minorities in engineering and technology, math- and science-based careers.
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