Dr. Carlos Olmedo
Adjunct Faculty

Carlos Olmedo is a PhD from the LBJ School of Public Affairs at The University of Texas at Austin. His doctoral research focused on various dimensions of low-income housing informality, including housing and health conditions, self-help strategies, title regularization, developer foreclosure practices, and fuel poverty. His dissertation investigated the school-to-work transitions and wage inequality of geographically segregated colonia and model subdivision students along the Texas-Mexico border.
Carlos received a BBA in International Business (UT Austin) and a MS in Economics (UT El Paso), and was previously Associate Director for the Institute for Policy and Economic Development (UT El Paso) where he performed bi-national research. He has published in Urban Studies Journal, Land Use Policy and Geopolitics. In 2015 he joined the City of El Paso’s International Bridges Department as a Strategic Projects Manager and Economist where he performs project management and budgeting; evaluation of funded programs; economic, survey and GIS spatial analyses; and statistical modeling and program coding to evaluate messy data environments.