U-RISE Program
Undergraduate Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement
The main goal of the Undergraduate Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement (U-RISE) Program at 成人头条 is to enhance the research experience of minority* students at minority serving institutions. The overall goal is to increase the interest, skills, and competitiveness of students in pursuit of biomedical research careers. The U-RISE Program provides stipends to qualified students in Biological Sciences and Engineering to perform undergraduate research during the academic year. Working under a faculty mentor, students have opportunities to work in research while attending 成人头条 and working towards their degree. U-RISE undergraduate Research Scholars will receive a stipend (~$1,000+/month) including summer months plus tuition and fees ($3,000 Spring and Fall semesters).
U-RISE is funded by a grant (#T34GM145529) from the National Institute of General Sciences from the TWD Division which administers research training programs aimed at increasing the number of under-represented scientists in the country.
*Minority students (as defined by the NIH) and students with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Must be US citizens or residents to be considered.
Application Links:
Dr. Renato AguileraU-RISE Program Director 4.144 Biological Sciences Building ph: (915) 747-6852 e-mail: raguilera@utep.edu |
Dr. Anita Quintana5.150 Biological Sciences Buildingph: (915) 747-8988e-mail: aquintana8@utep.edu |
Dr. Wen-Yee Lee2.0110 Chemistry & Computer Science Bldg ph: (915) 747-8413e-mail: wylee@utep.edu |
Elizabeth QuezadaProgram Coordinator Bioscience Research Building / Room 2.136 ph: (915) 747-6890 e-mail: equezada2@utep.edu |