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Document Management






Electronic Document Management is being incorporated across campus departments. This system gives users electronic file access to speed retrieval of documents and promotes increased collaboration within and between departments. In addition, Workflow for electronic document routing will increase functionality and decrease data entry errors when using linking in Content. 成人头条's Electronic document management system is approved by the Texas State Library for Record Retention requirements.


Basic Service

Improves Efficiency
• Easy and fast access to imaged information from on and off-campus
• Eliminates the hassle of searching for misplaced paper files

File Sharing
• Limit or grant document access to users within departments and between them
• Access documents online at your computer

Environmentally Conscious
• Every two boxes of paper you don't use, saves one tree

Reduced Space
• Freeing up office, and storage space
• Avoid large storage areas full of paper documents

Cost Saving
• No need to buy more boxes or filing cabinets, and reduces paper use

Disaster Recovery
• Scanned documents are backed up and copies are safely stored offsite


Getting Started

to supply the information that will add your department to our queue for a consultation.

If you already have a repository and need access, please submit the to the Help Desk via fax at 747-6484.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Workflow?
: Workflows allow electronic processing of forms. These forms can be completely electronic from the web or scanned into Content. They are then processed and routed for approval through a preconfigured process.

Q: How do I get a Workflow created for our office?
: Because of the complexity of setting up these forms, please contact the Help Desk to log a call for a consultation with Document Management.

Q: Can any form be made into a Workflow?
: Not all forms can be made electronic because of physical signature requirements. Most forms however only require approval from supervisors or other departments for processing so electronic approvals can be used.

Q: How do I get access to scan for my department?
: Form must be pre-approved by Department Head; please fill out the following .

Q: Do I need to keep my paper copies after I scan them into Content?
: Electronic Documents stored in Content have been certified by the Texas State Library as the official document. They can be used as your official record so you should not maintain two sets of records. Hard Copies can be shred after filling out the Certificate of Conversion of Source Records to Electronic Media Form  and the appropriate documentation from Records Management .

Q: Where can I find more information about the State of Texas and Electronic storage of Documents?
: Please go to the  Records Management  site for more information or to request a consultation.

Q: I already have a scanner, do I need to purchase a new one?
: Once you meet with the Document Management Consultants they will be able to tell you whether or not your existing scanner will work with Content. Some of the things the consultants will review are the age of the scanner, the drivers available, and the quality of scanning.

Q: I have a lot of data to scan, who can help me with the scanning?
: We can provide a list of contractors to assist you with the scanning of your backlog files. Let us know if you are interested and we can direct you to a vendor who is already on contract and has signed a privacy agreement with the University.

Q: Who can request space in Content?
: Existing Banner users or Departments.

 Help & Support

If you have any questions or need further assistance, contact us at 成人头条 Technology Support.

成人头条 Library Room 300



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成人头条 Library Room 300  |  ts.utep.edu  |  915-747-4357 (HELP)