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Who is eligible to enter the competition?
The Skov Essay Competition on Business Ethics competition is open to 成人头条 undergraduate students. For questions or clarifications, please e-mail ethicsessay@utep.edu.
What is the topic for this year’s essay competition?
"Investigate the ethical responsibilities of businesses when replacing human jobs with AI. Should companies be required to retrain displaced workers?"
Do I need to enroll at 成人头条 to participate in the competition?
Yes, you must be an undergraduate student at 成人头条.
How will I know the results of the competition?
Due to the volume of entries, only contestants who are selected for an award will be individually contacted with the results.
Does the word count limit include all words on the PDF, or just the essay itself?
The word count limit applies only to the essay itself. Words in the title, reference page, headers, and footnotes are not included in the word count.
As our aim is to challenge and develop future business leaders, essays should demonstrate a thoughtful analysis of the topic, employ specific examples, and use minimal to no informal phrasing. In addition, careful proofreading is highly encouraged.
Can I submit more than one essay?
No. Only one entry per person will be accepted.
Entries must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. on March 7, 2025.
You can help us encourage participation among undergraduate students by sharing our website with your family and friends, or by donating to our program. For more information, please email ethicsessay@utep.edu.
Where can I find resources about ethics?
Please visit our Ethics Resources page. Resources listed are not all inclusive and serve only as a basic platform to increase your understanding of business ethics.
I have a question that isn’t answered on the FAQ. Who do I contact?
Skov Essay Competition on Business Ethics
Woody L. Hunt College of Business
Email: ethicsessay@utep.edu
(915) 747-7748