Business Minors
Accounting: |
- Intermediate Accounting I - Intermediate Accounting II - Cost Accounting - Fed Income |
Banking and Financial Institutions: |
- Bank Lending - Bank Management - Current Issues in Banking - Fin Analysis of Firm & Valuation |
Business Analytics: |
- Business Analytics Applications - Analytic Programming Tools - Business Data Analysis & Visualization - Database Management - Intro to Marketing Analytics - Business Analytics |
Economics: |
- Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory or - Intermediate Microeconomic Theory - Money and Banking Select six hours of upper-division Economics courses: - Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory - Intermediate Microeconomic Theory - Public Choice - Mathematical Economics - Introduction to Econometrics - History of Economic Thought - International Economics - Public Sector Economics |
Enterprise Resource Planning: |
- Business Processes Analytics - ERP and Business Intell Systems - Accounting Systems - Production Planning & Control |
Entrepreneurship: |
- Entrepreneurship - Creativity and Innovation - Small Business Management Select one elective from , , , , or |
Finance: |
- Investments - Money & Capital Markets - Managerial Finance - Portfolio Analysis |
Human Capital Management: |
- Introduction to Management and Organizational Behavior - Introduction to Human Resource Management - Human Resource Information Systems - Compensation/Employee Benefits - Human Resource Staffing and Planning |
Human Resources |
- Intro to Human Resource Mgmt Select three courses from , , , or |
Information Systems: |
- Business Analytics Applications - Systems Analysis and Design for Business Analytics - Database Management - Information Security and Cybersecurity Analytics |
Innovation and New Venture Creation: |
- New Venture Creation & Management - Curation and Collections Management - New Product Development & Marketing Select one course from the following: or |
International Business: |
Select four classes from the following: - International Economics - International Finance - International Management - International Marketing - Global Business Environment - Study Away |
Management: |
- Entrepreneurship - Intro to Human Resource Mgmt - International Management Select one Management elective |
Marketing: |
- Consumer Behavior - Marketing Research - Strategic Marketing Management Select one Marketing elective |
Marketing Analytics: |
- Intro to Marketing Analytics - Marketing Metrics - Marketing Research - Advanced Marketing Analytics |
- Production Planning & Control. - Logistics Management Select two OSCM electives other than and |
Real Estate: |
- Introduction to Real Estate - Real Estate Finance - Real Estate Investments - Real Estate Development |
Learn more about the Real Estate minor here
Retailing and Sales: |
- Selling and Sales Management - Principles of Retailing - Services Marketing Select one Marketing elective |
Students who are not majoring in business may obtain minors on business administration in the following areas:
Accounting: |
MATH 1320 - Mathematics for Social Sciences or higher ACCT 2301 - Principles of Accounting I ACCT 2302 - Principles of Accounting II CIS 3345 - Management Information Systems ECON 2304 - Principles of Economics Select nine hours from ACCT 3321, ACCT 3322, ACCT 3323 or ACCT 3327 |
Economics: |
ECON 2303 - Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 2304 - Principles of Microeconomics ECON 3302 - Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory or ECON 3303 - Intermediate Microeconomic Theory ECON 3320 - Money and Banking Select six hours of upper-division Economics courses: ECON 3302 - Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory ECON 3303 - Intermediate Microeconomic Theory ECON 3325 - Public Choice ECON 3372 - Mathematical Economics ECON 3373 - Introduction to Econometrics ECON 3380 - History of Economic Thought ECON 4325 - International Economics ECON 4330 - Public Sector Economics |
Entrepreneurship: |
MATH 1320 - Mathematics for Social Sciences or higher ACCT 2301 - Principles of Accounting I FIN 3330 - Finance for Entrepreneurs MGMT 3303 - Intro to Mgmt/Organizational Behavior MGMT 3306 - Entrepreneurship MKT 3300 - Principles of Marketing Select three hours from MGMT 3310, MGMT 3311, MGMT 3320, MGMT 4306 or MGMT 4320 |
Finance: |
MATH 1320 - Mathematics for Social Sciences or higher ACCT 2301 - Principles of Accounting I ECON 2304 - Principles of Economics FIN 3310 - Business Finance FIN 3315 Investments FIN 3325 Money and Capital Markets Select six hours from any FIN 4300 level courses |
General Business: |
MATH 1320 - Mathematics for Social Sciences or higher ACCT 2301 - Principles of Accounting I ECON 2304 - Principles of Economics Select twelve hours from BLAW 3301, BUSN 3304, CIS 3345, ECON 3310, FIN 3310, MGMT 3303, MKT 3300 or OSCM 3321 |
Information Systems and Business Analytics: |
CIS 3305 Foundation of Info Sys & BA CIS 3315 Bus Analytics Applications CIS 3342 Business Data Analysis & Visualization Choose three prescribed electives from: CIS 3301 Intro to Data Process & Prog CIS 3330 Analytical Programming Tools CIS 3350 Sys. Anal. & Dec. for Bus. Ana CIS 4301 Bus Intel and Dec Model CIS 4365 Database Management CIS 4370 Data Comm. & Network Manag. CIS 4385 Info Security Systems CIS 4399 Current Top. in Bus Anal. & IS |
Management: |
MATH 1320 - Mathematics for Social Sciences or higher ACCT 2301 - Principles of Accounting I CIS 3301 - Intro to Data Process & Prog. ECON 2304 - Principles of Economics Select twelve hours from BLAW 3301, MGMT 3303, MGMT 3311, MGMT 3320 or OSCM 3321 |
Marketing: |
MATH 1320 - Mathematics for Social Sciences or higher ACCT 2301 - Principles of Accounting I QMB 2301 - Fundamentals of Business Statistics MKT 3300 - Principles of Marketing MKT 3302 - Consumer Behavior Select six hours from MKT 3320, MKT 4301, MKT 4305, MKT 4307, MKT 4310, MKT 4325 or MKT 4391 |
Political Economy: |
Required Courses ECON 2304 -Principles of Microeconomics ECON 3325 or ECON 4330 ECON 3380 - History of Economic Thought ECON 4325, ECON 3335 or ECON 4335 POLS 4348 or POLS 4364 Select one course from the following: POLS 4363, HIST 3317 or HIST 2302 |
Real Estate: |
Required Courses CRE 3301 - Introduction to Real Estate FIN 3350 Personal Financial Planning BLAW 3301 Legal Environment of Business 3 of the following 4 courses: CRE 4301 - Real Estate Finance CRE 4302 - Real Estate Investments CRE 4341 - Real Estate Development CRE 4342 - Property Management Learn more about the Real Estate minor here |
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