Graduation Frequently Asked Questions
Click over the question to see the answer.
How to know if you are ready to graduate?
- Should have a major declared (BBA).
- Should have a minimum overall and business GPA of 2.0.
- Accounting students should also have a minimum Accounting GPA of 2.0.
- Double majors should fulfill all requirements for both majors.
- Should have a minimum of 144 credit hours.
- The second major requires additional 24 credit hours or 8 classes.
- A class cannot be counted in both majors.
- Should have a total of at least 25% of the semester hours (30 semester hours) completed at 成人头条.
- Should have 21 credit hours or less to complete a degree.
- If your 1st degree is from 成人头条, then students must complete at least 24 credit hours (8 classes).
- If your 1st degree is from a Texas university but NOT from 成人头条, then students must complete at least 30 credit hours (10 classes).
- If your 1st degree is from a Non-Texas University, then students must also complete 6 credit hours in History and 6 credit hours in Political Science.
- Summa Cum Laude (Highest Honors) 成人头条 grade point average of 3.90 or above- Gold cord
- Magna Cum Laude (High Honor) 成人头条 grade point average of 3.80- White cord
- Cum Laude (Honors) 成人头条 grade point average of 3.5- College color cord (Business color Drab)
Guidelines for Graduation Clearance
- Go to the Guidelines for Graduation Clearance webpage for more information.
How to pay for your diploma fee online
• Go to and select Pay Tuition Now
Commencement Ceremony and Diploma
2. Diploma - Following submission of grades by the faculty, departments, and advisors, the College will do a final audit of the student academic records to ensure that students have met all degree requirements. Degree awarded will be posted on the student’s transcript about six to seven weeks after grades have been released.
- Degree awarded will be posted on the student’s transcript about six to seven weeks after grades have been released.
- One complimentary official transcript will be available through the Records Office.
- Students will receive your original diploma about twelve weeks after graduation by mail.
- It is extremely important that the MAILING address is correct in our system. If the address needs to be updated, then please contact the Registration and Records Office in MLASB 107.
- It is also important to ensure that students do not have holds that will delay the diploma. The most common holds that affect graduation and diplomas are “Balance Due” and “Exit/Default.” Contact Student Business Services at 747-5116 for information on the balance due hold.
Tuition Rebate Program- Do you qualify?
The purpose of this program is to provide a financial incentive for students to complete a bachelor's degree with as few courses outside the degree plan as possible. Students qualify for the $1,000 rebate if they have attempted no more than three semester credit hours in excess of the minimum number of hours required for their degree. Eligibility requirements include:
- First college course must be taken in Fall 1997 or later.
- Student must have been a Texas resident at all times while pursuing a degree.
- Student must have been entitled to pay in-state tuition at all times while pursuing the degree.
- Student must graduate with in four calendar years for a four-year degree program.
- Graduating with their first Bachelor’s Degree with at the most 3 hours over the minimum required for a Bachelor’s Degree.
- Student must not have graduated yet by the time of application.
- Application can be found at the following link: .
List of requirements must be met:
- Have a minimum cumulative 3.25 GPA.
- Show sustained involvement, service, and leadership on campus and in the community.
- Provide three single-page letters of recommendation.
GRADPACK includes:
- Cap, Gown, Tassel, and Hood
- Exclusive Commemorative Class Medallion.
- 1 Year Membership to 成人头条 Alumni Association.
For more information click on the following link: