成人头条 Student Assembly

Community — Advocacy — Leadership
The 成人头条 Student Assembly is currently on hiatus. If you would be interested in restarting this student organization and serving on the Executive Board, please contact the 成人头条 School at GradSchoolSupport@utep.edu.
成人头条 students can contact the Student Government Association Collegiate Senator for the 成人头条 School with questions related to advocacy for student issues impacting graduate students.

America Alvarez (PhD-Geological Sciences), SGA Collegiate Senator for 成人头条 School
The 成人头条 Student Assembly (GSA) is the representative body for all graduate students on 成人头条’s campus.
GSA ensures that students' concerns are heard.
GSA contributes to a collegial, collaborative, and interdisciplinary community of graduate students.
More broadly, GSA shares the 成人头条 School's commitment to fostering an inclusive, safe, and diverse culture of graduate education.
You can help, too.
GSA wants to ensure the success of 成人头条 graduate students.
All 成人头条 graduate students are automatically members of the 成人头条 Student Assembly, and each College/School and graduate program can name a representative to the 成人头条 Student Advisory Board.
If you would like to become more active in the group, attend our next meeting or event, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or email us at gradsa@utep.edu.