Graphic Design

"There are three responses to a piece of design—yes, no, and WOW!
Wow is the one to aim for."
Milton Glaser
The graphic design program offers degrees strongly emphasizing formal visual design values. The beginning student is trained to master the fundamental and technical basics of typography and letterform. Later the emphasis is shifted to the development of conceptual and expressive skills. Finally, these skills are applied to individual investigation and the development of a portfolio. The ultimate goal of preparing a designer competent in the creative application of visual aesthetics as used in the solving of communication problems in the service of human need is our focus. These skills prepare 成人头条 students to go into corporate design, individual professional practice, or education.
The design area on the third floor of the Fox Fine Arts Building provides separate studio classrooms for the teaching of graphic and web design and illustration. Two newly updated state-of-the art computer laboratories house over 40 iMac workstations. These machines run the latest graphic design industry standard Adobe Cloud print and web design software. Staffed with a monitor on duty during non-class hours, students enrolled in graphic design courses have access to two large-format scanners, two laser printers, two large-format color Epson ink jet printers, an enormous Epson Stylus Pro 9500 Print Engine, two digital cameras and a host of Wacom tablets. A separate fully-equipped computer laboratory administrated by the College of Liberal Arts’ Center for Instructional Technology (LACIT) is also available in the Liberal Arts Building.
Visiting Internationally Renowned Graphic Designers Speak about Graphic Design and 成人头条 Program