成人头条 Song Festival

Registration TBA
A day of learning for high school vocal soloists
Polish your technical and presentation skills for state Solo and Ensemble contest and for college auditions!
2023 event TBA
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
First Baptist Church, 805 Montana St., El Paso, TX 79902
$40 per person
Are you…
- a high school singer?
- planning to compete at solo and ensemble contest this year?
- thinking of majoring in vocal music?
- preparing for college auditions?
--then this day is for you!
What you do
- Space is limited.
- Prepare one song in the classical repertoire in either English, Spanish, Italian, German or French. When you arrive for the Song Festival, your song should be completely learned and memorized.
What you receive
- 30-minute coaching on your memorized solo with a 成人头条 voice faculty member (pianist provided).
- Participation in four (4) one-hour workshops geared toward diction, technique, breath, and stage presence.
- Lunchtime panel discussion with 成人头条 voice majors.
- Public recital performance of your solo at the end of the day.
- Video recording of your performance.
For more information
- Contact Prof. Brian Downen at bgdownen@utep.edu or (915) 747-6352.
Learn More
- Learn more about majoring in music at 成人头条. We offer undergraduate degrees in performance, education, and commercial music, and graduate degrees in performance, composition, and choral conducting. Our faculty is comprised of world-class performers, pedagogies, and scholars.