Applications and Deadlines
Click here to view licensure information by state.
How to check your BSN CAtalog
- Click here for instructions on how to check your catalog term through Goldmine
- “Old” Catalog is Summer 2024 or prior
- “New” Catalog is Fall 2024 or after
- Only students on an "Old" BSN Catalog are required to submit a Phase 2 or Phase 3 application for ranking
Phase 2 Nursing Courses Applications:
SUMMER 2025 Phase 2 Nursing Courses Application NOW Closed
Fall 2025 Phase 2 Nursing Courses Application NOW Closed
Click here to view the Information PowerPoint regarding drops, withdrawals, and Financial Aid.
FallApply between: TEAS must be completed with a minimum composite score of 65%, reading of 60% and science of 50% by Ranking takes place in JUNE |
SpringApply between: TEAS must be completed with a minimum composite score of 65%, reading of 60% and science of 50% by Ranking takes place in NOVEMBER |
SummerApply between: TEAS must be completed with a minimum composite score of 65%, reading of 60% and science of 50% by Ranking takes place in APRIL |
Phase 3 Nursing Professional Courses Application:
SUMMER 2025 Phase 3 Nursing Courses Application NOW closed
Fall 2025 Phase 3 Nursing Courses Application NOW closed
Click here to view how to save the titer lab report on the student's OneDrive account.
Click here to view the Information PowerPoint regarding drops, withdrawals, and Financial Aid.
FallApply between: Ranking takes place in AUGUST |
SpringApply between: Ranking takes place in DECEMBER |
SummerApply between: Ranking takes place in MAY |
Ranking-- Catalogs Prior to Fall 2024
Phase 2 Nursing Courses ranking eligibility:
Phase 1 courses must be either previously completed or the student must be in the process of completion (last semester of Phase 1) at 成人头条. Unofficial transcripts will not be accepted if the student is in the process of completing Phase 1 at another institution.
Students are ranked for selection into the Phase 2 Nursing courses based on:
- Competitive Phase 1 Pre-Professional Course GPA ( Average for accepted students: 3.77 )
- Competitive Cumulative GPA ( Minimum of 3.00 required to apply - DO NOT apply if below minimum)
- Passing overall ATI-TEAS composite score of at least 65%, reading of at least 60%, science of at least 50% [pass/fail] ( subject to change)
- Proof of health insurance
Phase 3 Nursing Professional Course ranking eligibility :
Phase 2 Courses must either be previously completed or students must be in the process of completing Phase 2 at 成人头条. Students must also pass the TX BoN Criminal Background Check during Phase 2, show proof of health insurance, and submit a complete titer report to the compliance coordinator.
- Phase 2 Nursing Course must be completed at 成人头条 and are not accepted from other institutions.
- The GPA earned in the Phase 2 Nursing Course is the first criterion used for ranking into the Phase 3 Nursing Professional Courses.
- The highest grade earned in each Phase 2 course will be used in the GPA calculation of the Phase 2 Nursing Courses.
Important Ranking Information
- Selection for the Phase 2 Nursing Courses and Phase 3 Professional Courses are based on:
Phase 2 Nursing Courses: Pre-professional course (PPC) GPA, overall GPA, TEAS
Phase 3 Professional Nursing Course: Phase 2 GPA, PPC GPA, overall GPA, TEAS, cleared CBC
The Pre-professional Nursing Courses include MATH 1320, BIOL 1305-1107, BIOL 2313-2113, CHEM 1307-1107 or CHEM 1305-1105, MICR 2330, HSCI 2302, & PSYC 1301. The Phase 2 Nursing Courses include NURS 2303, NURS 2407, NURS 2502. The highest grades earned in the Pre-professional courses will be calculated for ranking into Phase 2 (must be on your official 成人头条 transcript at the time of ranking). - A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 is required to submit an application. If your cumulative GPA is below the minimum, please do NOT submit an application because you will NOT be ranked.
- Having a previous Bachelor's Master's, and/or Doctoral degree(s) DOES NOT guarantee s seat in either the Phase 2 Nursing Courses/Phase 2 Nursing Courses/Phase 3 Nursing Professional Courses and is not considered a ranking factor.
- Meeting the minimum criteria for ranking does not guarantee selection to the Phase 2 Nursing Course. Acceptance to the Phase 2 Nursing does not automatically guarantee a seat in the Phase 3 Nursing Professional Courses.
- Students are responsible for transferring all Phase 1 courses in a timely manner. Transfer credits must be officially posted on your 成人头条 transcript by the application deadline.
- Please review application windows and deadlines.
- Ranking for the Phase 3 Nursing Professional Courses will take place during finals week each semester. Check the academic calendar on the 成人头条 Records & Registration website for specific dates.
- NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE: if selected, a notice of acceptance will be sent via the student's 成人头条 e-mail account with the deadline and registration information. Failure to register by the deadline will result in the forfeiture of the seat. Only students who are accepted may register and students cannot register until receiving acceptance.
- The Texas Board of Nursing (TX BoN) will be conducting a Criminal Background Check (CBC) on every student enrolled in the Phase 2 Nursing Courses (at the student's expense). Failure to comply and/or pass the CBC will result in not being ranked for the Phase 3 Nursing Professional Courses.
- Students will not be ranked if: the student's academic record is incomplete (missing Phase 1 courses: University Core, Pre-professional courses; missing Phase 2 Nursing Courses), cumulative GPA is below 3.00, CBC not cleared by the Texas Board of Nursing, ATI-TEAS exam scores do not meet the minimum criteria, does not have proof of insurance or titer lab report.
- It is the student's responsibility to be familiar with all relevant information and to be familiar with their own academic record.