Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty Recruitment
Our students’ success is largely dependent on the recruitment and retention of faculty who demonstrate or have the potential to demonstrate excellent contributions in scholarship, research and teaching. 成人头条 is committed to an open, diverse, and inclusive learning and working environment that honors the talents, respects the differences, and nurtures the growth and development of all. We seek to attract faculty and staff who share our commitment. The resources below will help to facilitate the processes behind our success as an institution nationally recognized for enhancing the excellence of our academic and research programs, while successfully offering access and affordability.
Authorization to Recruit
Requests for searches to recruit for tenure-track or tenured lines are initiated at the department level. These requests are then reviewed and prioritized by the Deans. Ultimately, the Provost and a central administration committee discusses and determines which searches will be authorized to recruit in the upcoming cycle.
- For tenure-track or tenured faculty, Department Chairs or Program Directors should complete an Authorization to Recruit Tenure-Track/Tenured Faculty Form for each faculty search being requested, then submit the form(s) to the Dean by May 1, 2024, or by the date set by the Dean.
- After reviewing all requests, Deans determine the prioritization of the searches for their College and compile a College ATR Prioritization Spreadsheet. This spreadsheet and the Departmental ATR forms are to be submitted to the Provost to review by June 1, 2024.

Authorization to Hire
The guidelines below are intended to help deans prepare recommendation packets to move forward with hiring tenure, tenure-track, clinical or research faculty. To expedite the review process, recommendation packets should be sent via email to Tami Keating (tlkeating@utep.edu), Assistant Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs.

Faculty Hiring Toolkit
The following resources will help you prepare offer letters and startup proposals for new faculty hires. For guidance or questions, please contact Tami Keating, Assistant Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs.
Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty Hiring Resources
(Refer to the New Hire Startup Award Guidelines, prior to completing.)

Additional Startup Resources
- New Hire Startup Proposal Sheet
(Refer to the New Hire Startup Award Guidelines, prior to completing.)
- Startup Cost Worksheet (for CAO's)