Building Pathways | Seamless Transfer | Student Success
Transfer articulation is the process used to increase the applicability of course credit from community college to 成人头条. Through the articulation planning process, 成人头条 and two-year colleges develop transfer pathways and transfer guides to help students transition to 成人头条. The aim of these articulation partnerships is for transfer students to gain knowledge to successfully navigate their educational plan leading to the completion of their associate and bachelor’s degrees.
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成人头条 partners with two-year institutions to develop academic transfer pathways that will ensure a seamless transfer of credit and improve transfer student success.
Elias shares how working with his 成人头条 advisor helped him develop a pathway from EPCC that would meet his financial needs and reach his academic aspirations.
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成人头条 and EPCC Sign Partnership to Promote Student Success
Community college students will have more direct and convenient pathways into bachelor’s degrees, thanks to a renewed agreement between 成人头条 and El Paso Community College.
Develop an Academic Transfer Pathway
Once an articulation agreement has been established with a partner institution, faculty may begin to develop academic transfer pathways. An academic transfer pathway is a set of courses within an associate’s degree at a two-year institution that are applicable towards a complimentary baccalaureate degree at 成人头条.
The intent of an academic transfer pathway is to:
- Ensure a seamless transfer of academic credit
- Solicit partnerships and articulation opportunities to improve students’ success and increase their accessibility to advanced educational opportunities
The tools used to develop an academic transfer pathway are an articulation plan to outline the responsibilities of the academic units and a transfer guide that will list the courses to complete at the two-year institution that will apply towards the receiving program at 成人头条.
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Existing Transfer Guides
El Paso Community College (EPCC)
- EPCC Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) to 成人头条 Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) and Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) 2022-2023
- EPCC Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Culinary Arts to 成人头条 Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences (BAAS) 2022-2023
- EPCC Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Hotel Operations to 成人头条 Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences (BAAS) 2022-2023
- EPCC Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Pastry to 成人头条 Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences (BAAS)2022-2023
- EPCC Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Restaurant Management to 成人头条 Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences (BAAS)2022-2023
- EPCC Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Travel and Tourism to 成人头条 Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences (BAAS)2022-2023
Proposal and Approval Process
A request to develop an academic transfer pathway may be initiated by either an external or internal partner.
- Internally Initiated- Academic transfer pathways may be initiated by 成人头条 faculty or program administrators.
- Externally Initiated- Academic transfer pathways may originate from partner institution academic departments or administrative offices.
- Prior to developing an academic pathway, faculty and staff are encouraged to contact the Transfer Articulation team at or (915) 747-5725 to discuss the requirements and approval process.
- Complete the Notice of Intent to Develop an Academic Pathway and email to
- The Director of Academic Pathways and Engagement will conduct an initial review of the notice and will coordinate meetings with the appropriate individuals/offices to communicate the request, gain added value, and determine a timeline for completion. Meetings may include representation from the Director of Academic Reports and Curriculum, Transfer Coordinator, academic chairs, faculty, program directors, and partner institution’s curriculum and articulation agreements office or other representatives.
- This step may take between two weeks to a month.
- With the help of the appropriate partner institution academic representative, develop the Articulation Plan and the Transfer Guide. (Note: The articulation plan should remain unsigned and in Word document format at this step of the process.)
- Submit both documents to The Director of Academic Pathways and Engagement will review drafts and route them to the necessary 成人头条 offices. Please allow 1 to 2 weeks for feedback or approval.
- Once approval is received, the Articulation Plan will be routed for signatures.
- Following obtaining the appropriate signatures, notification of the newly approved academic pathway will be sent by the Office of the Provost to: Deans, Department Chair and Program Director of the transfer program, Academic Advising Center leadership and transfer representatives, Office of Admissions and Recruitment, and University Communications.
- The articulation plan and transfer guide are posted online.
Articulation plans and transfer guides should be revised regularly to reflect program changes indicated by the latest editions of the institutions’ catalogs and any changes in accrediting-agency or state-mandated requirements that might also impact such pathways. A change in program administrators should not result in a failure to honor the most current signed documents.
Faculty should take note of any changes to courses that will alter an agreement and communicate the changes to the Office of the Provost.
Current articulation agreements, articulation plans, and transfer guides will be published online and dated to reflect the date of the review and to assist in maintaining the most current agreements.
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Initiate a New Articulation Agreement
An articulation agreement is a contract between two educational entities, detailing the goals and responsibilities for the development and oversight of academic transfer pathways and other articulation-related activities. It is based on the applicable laws, regulations, and accrediting agency guidelines. An articulation agreement helps ensure that courses completed at one institution will be accepted at the receiving institution. In general, the university will develop one articulation agreement with each partner institution, then individual articulation plans and transfer guides for each of the academic programs to detail the applicable courses and responsibilities of the academic units.

Established Articulation Agreements
成人头条 has established Articulation Agreements with the following institutions:
General Articulation Agreement
Consortium for Advancing Baccalaureate Nursing Education in Texas (CABNET)
Alvin Community College
Brookhaven College
College of Mainland
Del Mar College
El Paso Community College
El Centro
Grayson College
Kilgore College North Central Texas College
Lamar State College
Lone Star College
Northeastern University College of Professional Studies
Panola College
South Plains College
Southwestern Texas Junior College
Trinity Valley Community College
Vernon College
Victoria College
Wharton County College
Expand list of existing articulation agreements
Proposal and Approval Process
A request to develop an articulation agreement may be initiated by either an internal or external partner.
- Internally Initiated- Articulation agreements may be initiated by 成人头条 faculty or program administrators.
- Externally Initiated- Articulation agreements may originate from partner institution academic departments or administrative offices.
- Prior to initiating a new articulation agreement, faculty and staff are encouraged to contact the Transfer Articulation team at or (915) 747-5725 to discuss the requirements and approval process.
- The Transfer Articulation Team will help coordinate meetings with the appropriate individuals/offices to communicate the request, gain added value, and determine a timeline for completion. Meetings may include representation from the Director of Academic Reports and Curriculum, Transfer Coordinator, academic chairs, faculty, program directors, and partner institution’s curriculum and articulation agreements office or other representatives.
- With the help of the Transfer Articulation Team and the appropriate partner institution academic representative(s), draft the articulation agreement.
- The first draft is reviewed by 成人头条 faculty/staff and faculty/staff at the partner institution.
- Subsequent drafts are revised and reviewed until parties at both institutions reach agreement. (Note: The articulation agreement should remain unsigned and in Word document format at this step of the process.)
- Complete, sign, and submit the Academic Agreement Approval Form via email to the Director of Academic Pathways and Engagement at
- The Director of Academic Pathways and Engagement will route the Academic Agreement Approval Form and the draft articulation agreement to the Academic Agreements Coordinator for review by the Office of Legal Affairs. Please allow 2 to 6 weeks for feedback or approval.
- Changes to the draft agreement will be marked in Word Track Changes.
- Forward the changes to the partner institution for their review and approval.
- Subsequent changes by the partner intuition should be documented using Word Track Changes and returned to the Director for Academic Pathways and Engagement at
- The Director for Academic Pathways and Engagement will return the revised agreement to the Academic Agreements Coordinator for review and final approval. This step may be repeated multiple times until negotiation is reached.
- The articulation agreement draft should remain unsigned and in Word document format at this step of the process.
- Following the approval, two copies of the final agreement will be provided to the agreement initiator to obtain signatures from the partner institution.
- The partner institution will sign first and the 成人头条 President, or designee, will sign last.
- The Office of the Provost will keep an original copy of the fully executed agreement.
- The agreement initiator will return the other signed copy to the partner institution.
- Following obtaining the appropriate signatures, notification of the newly approved articulation agreement will be sent by the Office of the Provost to: Deans, Academic Advising Center leadership and transfer representatives, Office of Admissions and Recruitment, and University Communications.
- The articulation agreement is posted on online.
Transfer Articulation Resources
Definition of Terms
Refers to an identified set of courses within an associate’s degree at a two-year partner institution that are applicable towards a specific baccalaureate degree at 成人头条. The intent of an academic transfer pathway is to ensure a seamless transfer of academic credit and solicit partnerships and articulation opportunities to improve students’ success and increase their accessibility to advanced educational opportunities.
Applicable credit is transfer credit that applies towards a specific baccalaureate degree at 成人头条.
An articulation agreement, often referred to as a general articulation agreement, is a formal agreement between two educational entities, providing the goals and an overview of the responsibilities for development, approval, and review of academic transfer pathways and other articulation activities. Such agreements help ensure that courses successfully completed at one institution will be accepted when a student transfers to the partner institution. In general, the university will develop one articulation agreement with each partner institution, with the understanding that some instances may require that a specific articulation agreement be developed. Such instances may include:
- Creation of a Unique Need Course
- Development of a program that requires co-enrollment, travel, and shared space
An articulation plan, which is drafted after an articulation agreement has been established, details the specific articulation-related responsibilities and commitment of the academic units overseeing the academic programs or majors where transfer pathways are being established.
A Consortium Agreement is a contract between two colleges/universities that recognizes a student's combined enrollment for financial aid purposes. See Financial Aid and VA Education Benefits guidelines.
Reverse transfer is the process for awarding associate degrees to students who have transferred in pursuit of a bachelor’s degree before completing the requirements for an associate degree at a two-year institution. Through reverse transfer policies and programs, students can combine credits they earned at two and four-year institutions to be awarded an associate degree while also working toward a bachelor’s degree.
Transfer credit is generally awarded for academic courses completed at regionally accredited or nationally recognized institutions, or from institutions that are candidates for regional accreditation if the credit was earned during the candidacy period. In general, only academic courses that are comparable in content to those offered at 成人头条 are transferable, and transfer credit carries the same value as work completed at 成人头条. Whenever possible, equivalent course numbers are given; if there are no numerical equivalents, elective (TR) credit is given. See .
A transfer guide is intended as a tool for students and counselors/advisors that details which courses students will take at the two-year partner institution that will apply towards the receiving program at 成人头条 and allow them to see the overall educational plan including the completion of both associate’s and bachelor’s degrees.
Contact Us
We are dedicated to:
- serving as a well-informed resource for faculty, staff, and partners on transfer curriculum, articulation, and related matters;
- serving as proactive agents for enhancing and improving existing articulation;
- facilitating faculty-approved academic transfer pathways between institutions of higher education;
- serving on appropriate campus committees to provide input and to receive information about proposed changes in campus policy and curriculum;
- monitoring the articulation process and follow up with department and faculty for timely responses and decisions;
- serving as facilitators between faculty of both institutions; and
- disseminating current, accurate, campus articulation data and provide a regular summary of transfer-related curricular changes for both internal and external partners.
Director of Transfer Pathways Administration Room 309 (915) 747-5078 |
To deepen the culture of developing academic transfer pathways with two-year institutions that will lead to students’ success by:
- Ensuring a seamless transfer and increasing applicability of academic credit;
- Developing and publishing useful online resources for students, faculty, and staff including, articulation plans with two-year institutions as well as transfer guides for use by students, counselors, and advisors in transfer advising and decision making;
- Soliciting partnerships and articulation opportunities that will expand educational and career opportunities; and
- Creating an effective process for developing and implementing academic transfer pathways.
Guiding Principles
Articulation is a process and relationship involving the vertical, lateral, and reverse movement of students through a formal education system. The agreement is based upon guidelines, policies, and accreditation principles. The agreements are intended to expand and create access for students.
The 成人头条 intends to enter into agreements that will:
- encourage students to complete an associate’s and baccalaureate degree;
- increase access to and attainment of students’ educational/career goals;
- ensure alignment of course offerings between 成人头条 and the partner institution;
- maximize educational opportunities and services to enhance career opportunities for students;
- provide effective and cooperative linkages to strengthen partnerships initiatives that benefit students; and
- be mutually beneficial to all parties.