NMR Facility
600MHz NMR Spectrometer
Location: CCSB G.0701

The system is designed around a modular, digital NMR electronics chassis controlled from a Windows™ workstation and acquisition system. The ECA600 configuration consists of two broadband transmitters with one high frequency and one low frequency amplifier. Every transmitter has an integrated waveform generator for phase, frequency and amplitude control. Pulse shaping is generated under software control, giving you unlimited choice of expression-based or tabular shapes. The ECA can also easily generate off-resonance pulses such as SLP (shifted laminar pulses).Features
- Magnet: 600 MHz high-field shielded magnet on ultra stabilized TMC air legs
- Observation: 1H, 19F and from 13P to 15N
- Probe: 5mm 60TH5/AT/FG2 broadband 600 Mhz Z-gradient high resolution with automated tuning and matching
- Sampler: Easy-access 24-slot auto sampler
- Variable TEmperature: Experiments from -100°C to +150°C
Advanced user-friendly Jeol Delta™ on Windows workstation
Funding: Instrument funded by the UT System Library, Equipment, Repair and Rehabilitation program in 2009
Bruker Avance III
400MHz NMR Spectrometer
Location: CCSB G.0701

The new Avance™ III HD NanoBay NMR device is the most highly integrated state-of-the-art broadband NMR spectrometer ever. The novel NanoBay design places Bruker’s high-performance HD NMR spectrometer technology into an exceptionally compact enclosure. The NanoBay delivers high productivity and highest-quality NMR information for academic research and teaching, as well as for diagnostics research and other small molecule applications.Features
- Magnet: 400 MHz/52mm Z29727 Ultrashielded™, long hold time magnet
- Observation: 1H and from 19F to 15N
- Probe: 5mm PA BBO broadband 400 MHz Z-gradient high resolution with automated tuning and matching
- Sampler diameter: 5mm
Advanced Bruker Topspin™ on Windows workstation
Bruker DPX 300
300MHz NMR Spectrometer
Location: PSCI 103

The Bruker DPX300 is controlled by Bruker Topspin™ 1.3 and is primarily used for organo silicon and tin NMR spectroscopy.Features
- Observation: 1H and X channels (must be tuned manually by users)
- Probe: Broadband; no gradient capabilities
Information and Scheduling
Dr. Sohan De Silva
Office: (915) 747-5861 (CCS 2.0308)
NMR: (915) 747-5893 (CCS G.0701)
(915)747-7569 (PCSI 103)