Student Outreach and Support (SoS)

The Student Outreach & Support (SoS) program is team that provides additional levels of support or advice to students who are experiencing difficulties, concerns or challenges. Our case managers help students navigate concerns, university procedures or protocols which may be impacting their success at 成人头条.
SOS team members are not clinicians and do NOT provide counseling or clinical services. Our SOS team can get you connected with clinicians in the Student Health & Wellness Center, Counseling & Psychological Service, or the CARE office.
Types of Case Management Support
Academic Difficulties
Challenges and other academic difficulties may arise in a student’s courses because of crisis situations or personal hardship. The SOS team helps students navigate academic procedures or options, and often work directly with academic advisor, college advising staff, or dean’s offices.
Basic Needs Resource Support & Referrals
Students cannot succeed academically if they are not meeting their basic needs, such as food, shelter, and utilities. The SOS team can connect students with college and community resources related to basic needs services. The SOS team is directly connected with our 成人头条 Food Pantry. You can learn more about services or programs associated with basic needs by visiting the Emergency Aid website.
Family Emergency
Our SOS team can work with your faculty through an Absence Notification Letter, and can provide referrals to college and community resources. Documentation of the family emergency is required. To request an absence note, visit Absence Notification Requests.
Grade Grievance
Sometimes a student cannot resolve their grade concern with their instructor of record. If this is the case, one of SoS team can help connect the student to the university Grade Grievance process. Our SoS team does not conduct the grade grievance but instead helps the student initiative the process that is supervised and managed by a faculty senate committee.
Interpersonal Violence
Students who experience trauma associated with any form of interpersonal violence can contact the Dean of Students Office. Our team tends to work in tandem with the 成人头条 CARE Office to provide victim or advocacy services.
Medical or Mental Health Emergency
Our SOS team can work with your faculty through an Absence Notification Letter, and can provide referrals to college and community resources. Documentation of the family emergency is required. To request an absence note, visit Absence Notification Requests.
Missing Student
To better understand the university’s protocol on missing students, please visit the Missing Students page. In the event the student is missing, our staff conduct outreach to the student of concern and provide a timeframe by which a student must respond to ensure their safety. Other staff at 成人头条 may be contacted for assistance (advisors, instructors, Housing & Residence Life, emergency contact(s), and/or police department(s).
Student Death
In the event of a student death, The Dean of Students team acts as the primary university contact for families or other stakeholders. We help address university-related business and notify the necessary college faculty and staff. In partnership with the Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS), we assist with outreach to groups or individuals impacted by the loss.
Schedule an Appointment
You may schedule an appointment with our office by emailing or calling 915-747-5648.