Earnings Statement
Your Earnings Statement provides employees detailed information on the additions to and subtractions from gross salary or wage in order to arrive at your net pay. Net pay is your “take home” pay. It also provides cumulative payroll information in the Year-To-Date sections of Earnings, Taxes, Before/After Tax Deductions, and lastly Employer paid Benefits. The Hours and Earnings box provides detail on all earnings codes paid to you in your gross salary/wage. The Taxes and Deductions boxes provide detailed information on all the deductions from your gross salary/wage. The Employer paid Benefits Box outlines the benefits paid on your behalf by the University.
View your Earnings Statement
Earnings statements are available for employees to view via the PeopleSoft website. Employees should use the following link provided to access employee information:
Once logged in, you can view the home page. Under the Employee Self Service section you will find Payroll & Compensation. Click on View Paycheck link. This will provide employees a detailed list of their available earnings statements to view and/or print.
** Note: Earnings Statements are available one day prior to payday.
Earning Statement Glossary
Hourly to Monthly Conversion & Overtime Rate:
To convert your hourly wage to a monthly wage:
- Hourly Rate X 2080 Hours = Annual Rate
- (52 Weeks per Year X 40 Hours = 2080 Hours)
- Annual Rate ÷ 12 = Monthly Rate
To convert your monthly wage to an hourly rate:
Monthly Wage X 12 = Annual Wage
- Annual Wage ÷ 2080 Hours = Hourly Rate
To calculate your overtime rate if eligible for longevity/hazard pay:
Monthly Wage + Longevity/Hazardous Duty Pay = Monthly Base Rate
Monthly Base Rate X 12 = Annual Base Rate
Annual Base Rate ÷ 2080 Hours = Hourly Base Rate
Hourly Base Rate X 1.5 = Overtime Rate