Hourly Employee- New Hire Resources
Hourly employees are now able to enter their time in PeopleSoft! If you have recently been hired as an hourly employee follow these steps in order to access the PeopleSoft System and start entering your time.
First, you must register for Duo Security, registration for Duo is required when attempting to log into PeopleSoft. Otherwise, you will receive an error message that states "Duo could not authenticate." Once you register you should be able to access PeopleSoft.
Second, in order to receive payment to your desired bank account you will need to setup your Direct Deposit.
- Third, you will start entering your time in the system, we recommend saving your entries on a daily basis and submitting on a weekly basis.
Lastly, make sure to review all Timesheet deadlines, Timesheets must be submitted and fully approved by the payroll deadline in order to receive payment. For any issues contact helpdesk@utep.edu for further support.
Use the links below for step by step guides and for more resources!

Step 1: Register for Duo and Login to PeopleSoft
Duo Registration Information Logging Into PeopleSoft
Step 2: Set up Direct Deposit
Setting Up Direct Deposit

Review Timesheet Deadlines
Timesheet Deadlines