Recent Birds at Rio Bosque
Water deliveries to the park from the Roberto Bustamante Wastewater Treatment Plant ended on 2 February. The wetland cells are now dry, as is over 50% the old river channel.
Our pair of White-tailed Kites, first seen 25 May 2024, has now been present for over 9 months..
Burrowing Owl activity has been slow, but owls have been seen in recent weeks at 4 different burrow sites. A Long-eared Owl near the old river channel on 28 Feb was a nice surprise.
American Crows and Chihuahuan Ravens began returning to Rio Bosque in mid-October. Their numbers swelled rapidly, and over 2,000 are now returning each day near sunset to roost in and near the park.
You can download the current field checklist for the park here.
You can view recent Rio Bosque bird observations posted to eBird .
Species | Date | Number |
Burrowing Owl | 7 Mar | 1 |
White-tailed Kite | 6 Mar | 2 |
Sharp-shinned Hawk | 6 Mar | 1 |
Cooper's Hawk | 6 Mar | 1 |
Monk Parakeet | 6 Mar | 1 |
Crissal Thrasher | 5 Mar | 2 |
Western Screech-Owl | 2 Mar | 1 |
Black-crowned Night-Heron | 28 Feb | 1 |
Long-eared Owl | 28 Feb | 1 |
Ring-billed Gull | 27 Feb | 1 |
Loggerhead Shrike | 27 Feb | 1 |
N. Rough-winged Swallow | 27 Feb | 5 |
Lincoln's Sparrow | 27 Feb | 1 |
Wilson's Snipe | 21 Feb | 1 |
Hermit Thrush | 21 Feb | 1 |
Neotropic Cormorant | 9 Feb | 1 |