Collaboration and Partnership Help
- Letters of Support Examples
- Letters of Collaboration Examples
- Scope of Work, Contracts, and MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) Examples
- Evalution/Evaluators
Helpful Definitions:
A sub-contract is an agreement between an organization (usually the grant recipient) and another entity (the sub-contractor) to carry out a specific portion of the research or project funded by the grant. The sub-contractor typically has expertise in a specialized area and is responsible for completing the assigned work according to the terms outlined in the sub-contract agreement. They are accountable to the primary grant recipient and may receive funding directly from the grant to support their work.
Collaboration refers to a cooperative relationship between multiple individuals or organizations working together towards a common goal or research objective. For example, in the context of an NSF grant, collaboration involves partnering with external researchers, institutions, or organizations to enhance the quality and impact of the funded project. Collaborators may contribute their expertise, resources, or unique capabilities to the project, and they often participate in the design, execution, and dissemination of research outcomes. Unlike sub-contractors, collaborators are not typically financially compensated through the grant but may benefit from shared data, knowledge, and publications resulting from the collaboration.
A consultant is an individual or expert with specialized knowledge and skills who is engaged for a limited period to provide professional advice or specific services related to the project funded by the grant. Consultants offer their expertise to address particular research challenges, provide guidance on technical aspects, review methodologies, or contribute to the project in a defined advisory capacity. They are usually compensated for their time and expertise on a contractual basis, with their fees being budgeted as a direct cost within the grant.