Laboratory Trainings

Biosafety and Bloodborne Pathogens
The class provides an introduction to hazardous biological agents, their potential route of exposure, disease potential, what to do in case of an incident, and how to work safely with hazardous biological agents. The class also covers Hepatitis B vaccination, engineering controls available to protect individuals, disinfection and decontamination procedures.

Laboratory Safety Class
This class provides information for individuals working with hazardous or reactive chemicals, physical hazards such as energized equipment, compressed gasses, open flames and cryogens. The class covers the methods to prevent or minimize exposure or injury via the use of engineering controls, work and administrative controls, and personal protective equipment.

Laser Safety Class
This class covers the fundamental properties of lasers, laser classification and hazards, biological effects, safety practices, common accidents and emergency procedures, orientation to University safety policies.

Radiation Safety Class
This class provides information for individuals working with radiation or radioactive materials at 成人头条. The class covers procedures such as time, distance and shielding that must be followed while working with radiation at 成人头条 in order to minimize personnel exposure. The class is hosted online, self-paced, and available 24 hours a day 7 days for your convenience.