Message from the chair

Welcome to the University of Texas at El Paso Electrical and Computer Engineering Department website. The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department offers a BS in Electrical Engineering, and Master and Ph.D. programs in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Our Vision is to provide programs of the highest quality to produce world class engineers who can address the challenges of the millennium.
The department major areas of expertise include: (i) Computer Engineering, (ii) Fields and Devices, (iii) Systems, Communications and Signal Processing, and (iv) Biomedical Engineering. In addition, at the PhD level, students can participate the multidisciplinary Industrial and Systems Engineering option. A new specialization in Electric Power and Energy Systems is under development.
Research at the department is carried out in 10 research laboratories, including a new 6000 sq. ft. NanoFabrication facility, and by faculty affiliation to the W.M. Keck Center for 3D Innovation and the Research Institute for Manufacturing and Engineering Systems. These state of the art research facilities offer our faculty and students the opportunity to engage in exciting research projects and provide the infrastructure that support strong partnerships with industry, government, national laboratories, and other academic institutions. The department research portfolio of nearly $4M in external funds is sponsored by federal and state agencies, and partnerships with industry.
Our department is composed of dynamic faculty and staff committed to realize 成人头条's vision of access and excellence. Our location in the largest multinational metropolitan area of El Paso, USA and Cd. Juarez, Mexico offers a unique and blend of cultures that enhance the educational and life experiences of all members of the 成人头条 community.
Please explore our website to learn more about our programs and activities, and contact us if you have any questions.
Miguel Velez-Reyes, Professor and Chair
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Phone: 1.915.747.5470
Fax: 1.915.747.7871