Areli Chac贸n Silva, Ph.D.
Director, Master of Leadership Studies Program

Areli Chacón Silva, Ph.D. is the Director of the Leadership Studies Programs at the University of Texas at El Paso.
She has a BA in International Business from Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM) (1996), an MBA from Angelo State University (1999), and a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of La Havana (2011).
Her research explores the Latino market in the US as well as business expansion opportunities for Mexican businesses. She has experience researching the cultural values of Latinos in the US. Dr. Chacón Silva is co-author of the book ¡Reconquest! Advice for Business Owners in Chihuahua to do Business with Latinos in the US (2010). The book presents the results of research funded by CONACYT (National Science and Technology Fund of Mexico: CHIH-2006-CO2-59483) to developing capacity building strategies for Chihuahuan businesspeople to increase commerce with Latinos in the US, through the concept of the nostalgia marketing.
Currently, Dr. Chacón Silva is working with KB and Dr. Gill Woodall on the WayToServe Español: a Culturally-Appropriate Online Responsible Beverage Service Training for Spanish-Speaking Servers project, funded by The National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities Research. She will assist with the creation of culturally-appropriate content and the translation of the English WTS online training program to Spanish and to ensure the translation is compatible with the values and needs of workers in Spanish language-dominant bars and restaurants.
In addition to her collaboration to KB, Dr. Chacón Silva serves as Chair of the Curriculum Development Committee of the (L.E.A.D. Program) for Wise Latina International, a non-profit organization whose mission is to educate and empower Latinas and women of all walks of life to overcome barriers, to be self-reliant, to become leaders and to act as agents of change in our communities.
Dr. Chacón Silva has served on the Editorial Board Member Committee at the International Case Center of Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM) from 2008 to 2012. Her research has appeared in the International Journal of Case Method Research and Application and other scholarly outlets. She has worked as a consultant in international business, leadership, and business logistics since 2001.
Courses Taught
Contemporary Concepts of Leadership
Leadership Communications
Team Based Leadership
Capstone - Ethics and Leadership
Content goes here
Camacho, L., Chacón, A., García, H., Murphy, M., Talavera, A., & Valdez, C. (2010). ¡Reconquista! Consejos a los empresarios chihuahuenses para hacer negocios con los latinos en Estados Unidos. Chihuahua, Ch.: Doble Hélice. (Book Title: ¡Reconquest! Advice for business owners in CHihuahua to do business with US Latinos).
Barona, C., Chacón, A., & Guerrero, G. (2009). La región de Ituri: Un reto para las Naciones Unidas. Centro Internacional de Casos. Technológico de Monterrey. C07-17-001. [Online], (Title: The case of the Ituri region: A challenge for the Unived Nations).
Barona, C., Chacón., & Guerrero, G. (2009). La República Árabe Saharaui Democrática: Un estudio en el desierto. Centro Internacional de Casos. Tecnológie de Monterrey. C07-17-002. [Online]. (Title: The Saharaui Arabian Democratic Republic: A political state in the desert).
Chacón, A., Delgado, G. & Mao, M. (2008). El método del caso ¿Ayuda a lograr los conocimientos y desarrollar habilidades? Las percepciones de un grupo de estudiantes de educación superior sobre el aprendizaje por discusión? International Journal of Case Method Research and Application. Spanish edition. (Title: The case study method. Does it help in knowledge acquisition and developmental skills? College student perceptions about learning through classroom discussion).
Chacón, A., Delgado, G. & Mao, M. (2007). Las per