Political Science and Public Administration at 成人头条
Thank you for visiting the Political Science and Public Administration Department’s webpage. Our community of faculty, students, and staff dedicates itself to 成人头条’s success as a 21st Century University, one that focuses on access, excellence, and impact. We do this by providing a superior education at the undergraduate and graduate levels. This dedication is evident in the care we place on students’ needs and the many accomplishments that our students have achieved. Whether you are the first in your family to earn a university degree or part of an ongoing tradition, we are here to help you succeed.
An examination of the webpage demonstrates our faculty’s strengths in diverse areas of research and teaching. We focus on topics like democracy and democratization, state and local government, public administration, American judicial politics, politics of the US Presidency, public opinion, elections and electoral systems, identity politics, civil and international conflicts, globalization, regional collaboration, and many others. We also have geographic expertise in the politics of Brazil, China, the European Union, Mexico, and Peru, to name a few. We are an active faculty whose work appears in academic journals and with book publishers that hold high rank in our discipline.
We are equally dedicated to outstanding teaching. Many of us have won teaching honors, such as the University of Texas Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Award. We have won or contribute to grant funded projects that aim to improve our quality of teaching so that our students get an excellent education. The 成人头条 Edge initiative guides our instruction so that students also learn important life-long learning skills. These include analytical thinking, effective communication, global awareness, teamwork, and leadership. We also offer opportunities outside the classroom. Many of our students, both undergraduate and graduate, collaborate with faculty on research projects. In addition, we are committed to community engagement.
Our chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha, the National Political Science and Public Administration Honor Society, has won numerous “Best Chapter” awards over the past decade, making our students among the best in the country. In addition, students are very active in various student organizations, student government, and in society and politics more generally. Many have taken advantage of internship opportunities in Austin, Washington, DC, overseas, and locally.
Our graduate programs help students earn Masters Degrees in Political Science and Public Administration and Public Administration. The two programs attract students locally, nationally, and globally, making us among the more diverse programs at 成人头条. We have had students from Australia, Bhutan, China, Cameroon, Colombia, France, India, Mexico, Nigeria, Poland, among others. Through this diversity, students learn from each other as they navigate their advanced level of study. Quite a few of our Masters students continue into doctoral programs, such as those at Chicago, Pittsburgh, Arizona State, Houston, Tennessee, Texas A&M, and UT Dallas. Many students have also entered law schools with scholarships, including UC Berkley and UT Austin. Others have landed in promising careers for various federal, state, and local agencies.
The record of accomplishment of our alumni is something that gives us heartfelt pride. Many have attained important positions as federal law enforcement officers, security and intelligence analysts, staff positions for governmental representatives, and in positions with non-profit and other non-governmental organizations. If you are a prospective or current student, please schedule a time for us to discuss how a Bachelors, Masters Degree in Political Science and Public Administration, or a Masters Degree in Public Administration will help meet your career and academic expectations. If you are an alumnus, please stay connected by keeping us updated regarding your accomplishments. We are always happy to see our former students at our various events!
Dr. Gaspare Genna, Chair of Political Science and Public Administration
What is Political Science and Public Administration?
Why Major or Minor in Political Science and Public Administration?
Dr. Genna

Office: Benedict Hall 301
Phone: (915) 747-6066
Fax: (915) 747-6616
Donations Welcome!
Donations to the Political Science and Public Administration Department are used to enhance our academic programs and support student activities. We welcome and appreciate your support!