Pi Sigma Alpha Political Science Honor Society
Epsilon Epsilon Chapter at 成人头条
Pi Sigma Alpha was founded in 1920 for the purpose of bringing together students and faculty interested in the study of government and politics. Today there are over 800 chapters nationwide. The Epsilon Epsilon Chapter at 成人头条 was founded in 1967 as the seventh chapter in the state of Texas. We are an award-winning chapter and serve as an exemplary model for other chapters. The Epsilon Epsilon Chapter won a national Best Chapter Award in 2007, 2010, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, and 2022. Pi Sigma Alpha is the only national honor society in the discipline of political science. Follow us on Instagram .
At 成人头条, members of Pi Sigma Alpha:
Requirements for induction and active membership (Undergraduate)
Requirements for induction and active membership (成人头条)

Prospective members
For more information about membership and activities at the Epsilon Epsilon Chapter, please contact Pi Sigma Alpha faculty advisor, Dr. Taeko Hiroi (thiroi@utep.edu).