Dr. Taeko Hiroi

Dr. Hiroi teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in a wide variety of topics including democratization, political institutions, political development, political economy of development, developing countries, comparative political systems, Latin American and Brazilian politics, and research methods. She is a faculty affiliate with Latin American and Border Studies, Brazilian Studies, and Asian Studies.
Dr. Hiroi is the faculty advisor for the Epsilon Epsilon (成人头条) Chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha, The National Political Science Honor Society. She believes that participation and involvement are an integral part of active learning. She feels fortunate to have the opportunity to help students develop leadership skills and public interest through grant proposal writing, event planning, student conferences, and community service. These skills and experiences are not only central to their lifetime success but also crucial to be a good democratic citizen. Under Dr. Hiroi’s guidance, 成人头条’s Epsilon Epsilon Chapter has won many Best Chapter Awards from the National Office. Since 2022, Dr. Hiroi has been a member of the Executive Council and the Executive Committee. She was elected President-Elect in 2024 to serve as the national organization’s President during 2026-2028.
Contact Info:
Department of Political Science and Public Administration
Benedict Hall 312
Phone: (915) 747-7983
Fax: (915) 747-6616
Email: thiroi@utep.ed