William Corbett

Following graduation, he worked as a family law hearing officer for the Court of Common Pleas in Pennsylvania and then as a management consultant in the United States, Canada, and Europe for the Alexander Proudfoot Company. He then obtained a J.D. degree from the University of Illinois and worked as a civil litigator in California for 13 years.
Since 2006 he has taught courses in the areas of political science and business law at 成人头条. He has served as a facilitator/mediator for civil litigation cases filed in the Third Judicial District of New Mexico. Currently, he volunteers as an attorney monitor for the New Mexico Judges and Lawyers Assistance Program and as an outreach presenter of “Street Law” at Lynn Middle School.
Current Course List of Classes
POLS 2311: American Government and Politics
POLS 3351: The Public Policy Process
*See full course description
Contact Info:
Department of Political Science
Benedict Hall 106
Phone: (575) 522-1372
Fax: (915) 747-6616
Email: wjcorbett@utep.edu