Earth, Environmental and Resource Sciences Faculty

Dr. Mark Engle
Professor and Interim Department Chair
Rm GEOL 101 A
Research Interests: Hydrogeology of geologic basins, geochemistry, multivariate data analysis, petroleum systems, water resources

Dr. Laura Alvarez
Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Fluvial geomorphology, fluid mechanics, autonomous systems, development of computational, fluid dynamics models, turbulence and sediment transport modeling and prediction, geomorphologic changes in large-scale rivers, development of autonomous surface vehicles

Dr. Antonio Arribas
Rm GEOL 302 A
Research Interests: Geology of ore deposits, ore-forming processes, mineral exploration, history of mining, applied isotope geochemistry, geoscience teaching, analytical techniques
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Dr. Benjamin Brunner
Associate Professor
Rm GEOL 404
Research Interests: Stable isotope biogeochemistry, Geomicrobiology, Sulfur cycle, Isotope fractionation, Authigenic minerals

Dr. James B. Chapman
Assistant Professor
Rm GEOL 319

Dr. Julien Chaput
Assistant Professor
Rm GEOL 207
Research Interests: Wavefield imaging, Cryosphere seismology (Antarctica), Ionosphere mapping, Ultrasonic medical imaging, Inverse theory, Bayesian methods

Dr. Katherine Giles
Professor and Director of Salt-Sediment Interaction Research Consortium
Rm GEOL 201 A
Research Interests: Salt Tectonics, Carbonate Petrology, Sequence Stratigraphy, Microbialites
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Dr. Thomas Gill
Rm GEOL 401 A
Research Interests: The interaction of the atmosphere with the other parts of the earth system: the generation and transport of dust and sand by the wind, and the effects of these materials on the environment and humans

Dr. Philip Goodell
Rm GEOL 223
Research Interests: Geochemistry, economic geology, mineralogy, Mexico, semi-metal and sulfosalt geochemistry, economic geology, uranium in volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks

Dr. Hugo Gutierrez
Associate Professor
Rm GEOL 227 A
Research Interests: Surface and groundwater hydrology, ecohydrology, GIS and remote sensing applications for water resources studies, hydrometeorology, hydrogeophysics, geomorphology, and field experiments for predicting and quantifying climatic-vegetation effects on the water cycle and their impacts on ecosystems

Dr. Jose Hurtado
Rm GEOL 301 A
Research Interests: Earthquake hazards and geomorphology in the El Paso region; planetary geology and geophysics of the Moon; planetary field exploration science and human space flight; computing and data collection technologies for field geologic applications

Dr. Lixin Jin
Professor and Associate Dean for Research
Rm GEOL 221 A Research Interests: Continental weathering and global elemental cycles; interaction of water, air, biota and rocks in the Critical Zone (soils)

Dr. Marianne Karplus
Associate Professor
Rm GEOL 317
Research Interests: Lithospheric structure and tectonics, active-source and passive-source seismic methods, tectonic evolution and geohazards of the Himalaya and Tibetan Plateau, tectonic evolution and geohazards of the Sumatra Subduction Zone

Dr. James Kubicki
Rm GEOL 217
Research Interests: Mineral-water interactions, organic and nutrient adsorption onto soils, C and H isotopes in organic compounds, cellulose and lignin chemistry, thermodynamics, spectroscopy and reaction mechanisms in geochemical systems.

Dr. Richard Langford
Rm GEOL 401 B
Research Interests: Studies of modern and ancient desert surface processes and sediments; surface and subsurface studies of sandstone oil reservoirs

Dr. Lin Ma
Rm GEOL 219
Research Interests: Low temperature geochemistry and hydrogeology, applications of isotopes (e.g., U-series and noble gases) to hydrological and environmental problems

Dr. Hernan A Moreno
Associate Professor
Research Interests: Water sustainability under change, drought prediction, flood forecasting, post-fire hydrology, evapotranspiration processes and partitioning, fundamentals of computational hydrology learning, modeling and forecasting, radar and remote sensing hydrology, artificial intelligence in earth science and engineering

Dr. Deana Pennington
Professor and Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
Rm GEOL 305 C
Research Interests: GIST Certification Program, Earth and environmental informatics, knowledge representation, geospatial modeling and analysis, land cover change, surface processes, socio-environmental systems

Dr. Jason Ricketts
Associate Professor
Professor Rm GEOL 405
Research Interests: Structural geology, tectonics, low-temperature thermochronology, and fluid-fault interactions; brittle tectonics in Earth's upper crust; development of the Rio Grande rift of Colorado, New Mexico, western Texas, and northern Mexico

Dr. Haitao Shang
Assistant Professor
Rm GEOL 305C

Dr. Hongyu Sun
Assistant Professor
Rm GEOL 305C
Research Interests: Geophysics, Seismology, Geohazards, Earth Resources, Energy Transition, Environmental Sustainability, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science

Dr. Aaron Velasco
Rm GEOL 227 B
Research Interests: Earthquake source modeling, triggering, and hazards; seismotectonics, nuclear treaty monitoring; military applications of seismology

Dr. David J. Young
Associate Professor
Rm GEOL 317
Research Interests: Structural geology; petrochronology; EBSD; continental collision in Scandinavia and Bhutan; deformation in the mantle lithosphere
Research and Instructional Faculty

Nila Matsler
Grants and Contracts Specialist II
Rm GEOL 201 B
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Dr. Musa Hussein
Associate Professor of Instruction
Rm GEOL 306 B
Research Interests: Tectonics, subsurface, subsurface modeling, rift valleys development and rifting processes, 3D inversion of gravity and magnetic data, and geophysical and geological data integration.
Profile Soon
Emeritus Faculty

Dr. Elizabeth Anthony
Retired Professor
Geological Sciences
(915) 747-5483

Dr. William Cornell
Associate Professor Emeritus

Dr. Diane Doser
Professor Emeritus

Dr. George Keller
Professor Emeritus

Dr. Terry Pavlis
Professor Emeritus

Dr. Laura Serpa
Professor Emeritus